Tuesday, June 9, 2020


If you are new to Reiki the first assignment that you shall have is to do the Reiki Self-Healing. I remember starting to heal myself in 2004. I was already a healer, but I was new to Reiki. It was indeed a different experience. I felt my body being cleansed energetically. I loved it! Since then, I look forward to doing my Self-Reiki everyday.

Many of my students, asked me, "when shall we stop doing the Self-Healing?". My answer was, we never stop healing ourselves. Healing ourselves is our everyday tool to for holistic health - mind, body, and spirit. This is our way to progress in this healing and spiritual journey. Each healing is always different. It addresses different parts of our issues or ourselves. So, if you are new to Reiki, this writing is for you.

What is Self-Reiki?

Self-Reiki is our way to heal and balance ourselves. Everyday, we encounter things that can imbalance our thoughts, emotions, physical, or spiritual state. In doing Self-Reiki everyday, we heal ourselves and release what is not needed by our being. Therefore, Self-Reiki brings us to our original state of balance.

I do Self-Reiki everyday. I do it also before I see a client to ensure that I have the balance to handle healing sessions. I even do it to go back to sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night for no reason at all.

Self-Reiki brings us to our sacred moment. I remember one of my students stated that Self-Reiki is her "Me Time". Yes, it is indeed. Having a time for Self-Reiki is an affirmation that we need a time for ourselves. That time for ourselves is our sacred moment to get in-touch with our being - body, thoughts, emotions, and Spirit.

Self-Reiki fosters self-love. That sacred moment for ourselves leads us to loving ourselves. These hands of ours that touch each part of our body share the love for ourselves. I sometimes feel I am in a "cocoon" being cuddled and pampered during the Self-Reiki.

What Are My Tips For Self-Reiki?

1.  Set a time for Self-Healing

Our mind loves programming; our body follows the mind. So, setting a definite time for healing allows your body to make an alarm for yourself to do the Self-Healing Session. The alarm can be - thoughts, or body getting tired, waiting to be boosted on the specific time or just a memory of the wonderful feeling of self-healing.

2.  Advise your family or house buddies about your sacred time.

This works with me. My children grew up with me understanding that I need a time for my Self-Reiki. Advise your family how long you will be in silence. They will understand and respect your time. Remember! As you feel good during the healing session, your energy also vibrates within the house. They will also benefit from your healing.

3.  Use candles, music or aroma.

These are not necessary, but these help to set the mood for healing. I set a day when my healing will be a special day with all the tools - candles, music, and aroma.

4.  During healing, feel your hands and your body.

Feeling the heat, warmth, or coldness of our hands or body during the healing is natural. However, I shall understand if you don't feel anything yet. It takes time for some people to be sensitive to the flow of energy. Don't be sad, if you don't feel anything, it is not a must and it does not mean that the Reiki does not work.

If you are are the kind of person who is already sensitive enough, stay on the position of the body where you feel certain sensation. Sensation could mean that Reiki is energizing, balancing, or releasing blocks on that area. The sensation will go away after 3- 5 minutes.

5. The more sick you are, the more you will need to do the Self-Reiki.

I have heard from several Reiki practitioners that they stopped doing Reiki when they were sick or not feeling well. Self-Reiki is meant to help us in healing and to make ourselves feel better. This is not a good reason to stop but rather the time to heal more. There is no overdose for Reiki.

5.  Answers to common questions.

How long shall I let my hand stay in one position? As long as you still feel a certain sensation. If you don't feel anything, allow your mind to guide you when to move your hands into another position.

What will happen if I forget to ground or close my aura? I have not seen a big implication on these. Remember, during Reiki we are all guided by the Divine God, His angels and guides. However, it is best for us to be responsible enough to remember the process of healing. The process for healing is our way to ensure that no harm or imbalance of energy can happen to us.  At one point, I fell asleep during a Reiki session (which has happened to me several times). I woke up with a dull feeling on my head. I asked why and what can I do to ease myself. I was told by the inner voice to ground myself since I fell asleep during the Self-Reiki. I did my grounding and the dull feeling on my head went away. So, my tip is always remember to ground yourself and close your aura.

What if my hand position is wrong or sequence is wrong? There is no right or wrong hand position or sequence. The hand positions and sequences were developed by Chijuro Hayashi to be a guide for our healing. Some people are not intuitive enough to follow inner guidance during healing. The hand positions helps us to do the self-healing easily.

It is also okay if your are already used to hand positions, to follow your inner guidance as to where to place your hands. 

Is there a particular length of time for Self-Reiki? No. Each healing session is personal. However, the average is from 10-45 minutes.

Self-Reiki is a wonderful gift to ourselves. Enjoy every moment of it. 

If you are not a Reiki practitioner and reading this, the first question that you need to ask from a healer is - Do you do Self-Reiki everyday? 

Here is your guide for Self-Reiki. Sooner , I shall have the voice over for this. :-) Below is the the link.

                                                             Reiki Self-Healing

Love and Lights,
