I always start the year with a retreat. It is my way of
renewing my inner connection to the Divine Source and to remain centered
Reiki Self-Retreat is my tool of reviewing my past year and
setting my goals for the New Year. It is also my avenue to do my own inner space clearing and
Here are some ways on how one can do the Reiki Self-Retreat.
1. Set your sacred time and space.

The key is set the date and your space.
2. Know what you want and create the flow of your personal retreat.
Know what you want to achieve in your personal retreat. You
might want to do some inner clearing through self-healing or meditation.
Or you might want to do a reflection, pray, or do a goal setting. Or you might
want to combine all of the above.
My personal retreat is a combination of all.
I usually do my inner clearing in the morning and the reflection, then the
divination and goal setting in the afternoon all through night. It is important
that you write your own program as your guide.
3. Prepare your materials.
Once you have created the flow of your retreat, you may now
know what you need. You may prepare to bring your pens, papers, drawing
materials, bible or other spiritual texts, incense, flowers, crystals and any
other things that can enhance your personal connection to the Divine.
I love to bring my favorite crystal, rosary, God or Goddess statue,
and my Divination tools (runes, angel tools, cards, etc.)
4. Other tips
Prepare to eat light during the retreat. If you can fast, do
it so. Or you can also be in a vegetarian meal. Eating light food with good energy helps the physical body to adjust to a long hours of
meditation and prayers. This is also a
way of detoxification. I sometimes do mono-fruit diet or just water.
Here is the sample of one of my personal retreat:
9:00 – 9:30
– Clearing the Space / Setting the space
9:30 –
10:00 - Opening the Body - Yoga Exercises or Qigong
-10:30 - Chanting Sacred Sounds
-12:00 - Reiki Self-Healing/Kotodama/Hat-su-rei-ho/ Light Body Meditation
12:00 -
1:30 - Break
1:30 - 2:00 - Gassho Meditation
2:00 - 3:00 - Backward Review of my past Year
Gratitude Exercises/ Prayer
3:00 - 3:30 - Rest
3:30 - 4:00
- Visioning for the Year
Prayer of Guidance
4:00 -
5:00 -
Self-Divination/ Receiving Messages from the Divine/ Closing Prayer
Self-Retreat is my Food for my Soul. I can’t do without this
seasonal retreat.
I hope this helps for the new retreatants.
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